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Reunion 2007 at Idyllwild Arts Academy Campus
Saturday, May 19, 2007

We tried something a little different for Reunion 2007.  Alumni from the Desert Sun School, TEPPS, and Idyllwild Arts Academy all gathered on the Idyllwild Arts Academy campus for one big reunion.  Events included a lunch and tour of the Idyllwild Arts Academy campus, dinner at Idyllwild Pizza, an evening theater performance at Idyllwild Arts Academy, and a Sunday afternoon tour of the former Desert Sun School campus.

As you may know, there are close ties between Idyllwild Arts Academy (formerly ISOMATA) and the Desert Sun School.  In the final years of TEPPS, students attended classes at both ISOMATA and TEPPS.  We were excited about reuniting these groups again and giving alumni an opportunity to see the Idyllwild Arts Academy campus.

We want to thank the Idyllwild Arts Academy for their generous support of the Desert Sun School and TEPPS alumni.  The reunion was a great success!

Reunion 2007 Photos

Click on the images below to see larger photos:

group_lunch.jpg (134075 bytes) group_lunch2.jpg (136089 bytes) 80s.jpg (125174 bytes) 80s2.jpg (121330 bytes) lunch.jpg (125537 bytes)
david_scott.jpg (98870 bytes) lunch_grass.jpg (199365 bytes) arts_tour.jpg (165971 bytes) arts_tour2.jpg (167237 bytes) wilson.jpg (125405 bytes)

Below is a list of faculty and alumni who RSVP'd for Reunion 2007 (most attended):

Charlotte Anthony, Faculy
Bill Hardy, Faculy
Bill Howe, Faculty
Candy Rheem, Faculty
Gordon & Evie Wilson, Faculy
Doug Brutsche, '64
Karyn (Gealer) Schlinkert, '70
Kenneth Arnold, '71
John Marcom, '72
Brent Guier, '77
David Young, '77
Bryan Dalrymple, '79
Scott Boller, '80
David Gotfredson, '80
David Jerome
, '80
Ronald Saxton, '80
Mike Benson, '81
Dan Boller, '81
James (Jacobson) Braginton, '81
John English, '81
Elizabeth Kellin, '81
Andre Poiriez, '81
Matt Stolpe, '81
Kenny Coleman, '85
Heather (Hardy) Hale, '85
Richard Sanders, '85

Copyright © 1998 David Gotfredson